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Finding The Right Medical Devices

Nothing is more frustrating than trying to hunt down medical supplies when you are suffering from a serious condition. Fortunately, some companies specialize in medical equipment and supplies and can deliver these devices right to your front door. I didn't know this when I was diagnosed with cancer, which meant that I spent a few months searching for equipment before I learned the tricks of the trade. Check out this blog for more information on medical supplies, so that you can focus on your recovery and stop hunting for equipment. You never know, this information might save you a lot of time.


Finding The Right Medical Devices

2 Benefits Of Using A Portable Veterinary Ultrasound Machine

by Raymond Sanders

If you are a veterinarian, one amazing piece of technology that you should consider owning is a portable ultrasound machine for animals. This article will discuss 2 benefits of using a portable veterinary ultrasound machine

Great For Vets Who Travel To Their Patients

If you are a vet who is often making house calls, then you are likely seeing a variety of animal patients for many different reasons. This will include both small house pets as well as large farm animals. In some cases, you may greatly benefit from having a portable ultrasound machine that you can use on your animal patients. For example, if you are coming to see if a cat or dog has a tumor that may be cancerous, you can easily use a portable ultrasound machine to check the animal for a tumor.

The ultrasound machine can be used for multiple other things as well, such as seeing if an animal has swallowed something that they shouldn't have, checking their bladder for any issues, looking at the four chambers of their heart to see if there are any blockages, checking their stomach for potential issues, and the list goes on and on.  Another example where an ultrasound may be very effective is in the case of a pregnant cow. The ultrasound machine can initially let the farmer know if the cow is in fact pregnant and can also help if a pregnant cow is in trouble during delivery because the portable ultrasound will allow the vet to quickly see what the issue is and if the calf is okay. This in turn allows you and the farmer to make the best possible decision for both the cow and the calf. 

Can Be Used With Different Transducers

Another great benefit to using a portable ultrasound machine is that you still have the capability to use a variety of transducers. Transducers are going to be made in different sizes and shapes, making it easy for you to find the right size transducer for a kitten as well as for a horse. Also, different transducers are geared towards looking at different things. For example, one transducer may be better at viewing a pregnant animal's uterus, while another may be more geared towards viewing their heart. This is because some of the transducers are made with a deeper and more powerful scan depth than others, allowing them to easily see through larger animals and animals with thicker skin. 
